tangle with

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tangle with

更新时间:2024-06-25 01:40:03

英 [ˈtæŋɡl wið]

美 [ˈtæŋɡəl wɪð]

tangle with基本解释

与 ... 争吵(或打架); 与 ... 有纠葛


  • 英英释义
  • 网络解释


1. get involved in or with

Synonym: get into


1. 吵架:tangibly 明白地 | tangle with 吵架 | tangle 缠结


2. 吵架,争论:take one's cue from sb.得到某人的指点(暗示照某人的样子做 | tangle with 吵架,争论 | tick away 使(分秒)在滴答声中溜走

3. 与......争吵(或打架),与......有纠葛:take/have a hand in 参与,介入 | tangle with 与......争吵(或打架),与......有纠葛 | the hell 到底,究竟

4. 与...发生争执:mess with 打扰 | reckon with 应付,处理;对...加以考虑 | tangle with 与...发生争执

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
He was a tall, thin man with grey hair that fell in a wild tangle to his shoulders.(他个子瘦高,灰白的头发乱蓬蓬地散落在肩上。)
She quickly began blogging about the tangle of issues with which she had suddenly been confronted (her fascinating output is at pippaking.blogspot.com).(她很快在她的博客中记叙了这个她突然需要面对的问题(博客在pippaking.blogspot.com)。)
Effective governance will make the difference between ending up with a tangle of services.(有效的治理将会理清混乱不堪的服务。)
This 54-inch plasma set is one inch slim with no visible inputs, tuner or tangle of cables.(这台54英寸的等离子电视只有一英寸厚,没有可视输入信号、电视调频器以及电缆线圈。)
It was a disagreeable tangle, to be sure, something that a man of his position and wealth really ought not to have anything to do with.(老实说起来,这种事情确乎是一种很不愉快的纠葛,象他那样身分和财产的男子实在不应该牵涉在内的。)
The judges, mostly from Maryland and Ohio, got a crash course in nanotechnology, synthetic biology and environmental biotechnology-all subjects they may have to tangle with in highly technical cases.(这些法官主要来自马里兰州与俄亥俄州,他们上了纳米科技、合成生物学以及环境生物科学的速成班,这些主题都是他们日后审理高科技案件时可能要接触的。)
Do you tangle with your new workmate?(你会自己的新同事吵架吗?)
We warned our boys not to tangle with that group of tough boys from the other side of town.(我们告诫孩子们不要同市区另一边的那群野孩子在一起厮混。)
Alright, I'll make it up for you. Tangle, come on and go downstairs with me.(好啦,我会补偿你的。泰戈,和我一起下楼去。)
But even if you are twitchy with crowds, you will find the square an unavoidable tangle of metro interchange, intriguing museums, dazzling hotels, top vistas and cultural venues.(甚至在人流中你感觉烦躁不安的时侯,也会发现人民广场不可避免地成为一个地铁枢纽,四周有迷人的博物馆,炫目的大酒店,一流的景观和许多文化场景。)
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